The best part of the day is when the nice lady comes out and talks to us and gives us treats. In the morning she brings us some chopped greens and oats. She gives us the treat through the fence, and I sometimes bite her finger. It's just an accident, but she sure lets out a whoop.
Then we have bread and yogurt in the afternoon. It has taken me a while to start liking the yogurt. The OFH really like it so I decided to try it. It’s really good! I think it helps keep the shells of my eggs nice and strong.
In the evening she tosses some kind of seed and corn mixture on the ground and says, “Here, chick, chick.” No matter where we are, everybody runs to her and gobbles it up. As long as my WEF and I don’t get in the OFH’s path to the treat, we don’t get pecked. When the evening treat is all gone, the others wander away and start looking for other things to eat.
I usually stay close to the nice lady hoping she will give me some more of that good treat—and she does! She talks to me, but I’m not too sure I want her to touch me. (Remember the wing clipping?!) I eat out of her hand, though. Although we always have regular chicken feed in our pen, the treats make us feel like special chickens.

You treat your chickens like queens!! No wonder they are happy chickens with happy eggs!!