I had a little excitement a few days ago. I had been climbing on the wood pile that is on one end of our side yard.
The fence wasn't attached very well at one end, and I decided to jump right through the hole. Why, you ask? To see what was on the other side, of course.
Once I was through the hole and down on the ground I realized that none of my hen friends were with me. They were all on the opposite side of the fence from me. Well, I surely didn't like that.
But I wasn't able to go back the way I came. So, I started running along the fence trying to find a place to get back in. That's when the nice lady saw me from inside her house and came outside to see what was happening. Since the neighbors have dogs and there is a neighborhood hawk around (more about this another time), I guess she was afraid something might get me.
When I saw the nice lady and man coming towards me, I remembered the wing clipping and started to run. Then I found one of the gates that goes to our pen. My friends were on the other side of the gate, and I was bound and determined to get back to them.
I tried and tried to get through it. I tried one opening and all that would go through was my head and neck. I tried another opening, then another, and I finally found one big enough for all of me to get through. I had to work at it and it was a tight squeeze, but I got through. And was I ever glad to see those other hens! Pshew!

Once I was back with my friends and my heart had quit pounding, I heard strange noises coming from the mouths of the lady and man. The noises sounded something like chickens cackling, but I think it's called laughter. Now, I'm not sure I like being laughed at by humans.

Once I was back with my friends and my heart had quit pounding, I heard strange noises coming from the mouths of the lady and man. The noises sounded something like chickens cackling, but I think it's called laughter. Now, I'm not sure I like being laughed at by humans.